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What's happening in Music!

We have so much to look forward to as the excitement in Music continues into the new calendar year:  

With our first performance in front of an audience done back in December, we are now continuing to build proficiency on our instruments as start up with new pieces in Grade 7 & 8 Band and Orchestra classes. Band and Orchestra are both year long options, so students will continue through to the end of June in these ensembles. 

In our younger grades, we have been exploring the different instrument families in the symphony orchestra. These days, the Music room can often be filled with the sound of percussion instruments. 

Our Grade 6 Music Program of Choice students have been learning about all of the amazing instruments in Band and Orchestra that are available to learn at our school. For the months of February and March, we will learn as a small Orchestra class, and in April and May, we will explore Music as a small band. Through these experiences, students may discover and start up on an instrument that they are excited to continue with long term. You may have heard a bit about the violin, viola, cello or double bass in the last couple of weeks! 

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